How to Perform Hajj – Complete Step-by-Step Hajj Guide

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It is obligatory for able-bodied Muslims to perform Hajj once in a lifetime. We don’t know much about Hajj because we don’t practice all the time. It is our duty to know the correct method of Hajj, preparation for Hajj.

Hajj (হজ) is an Arabic word. The literal meaning of Hajj is to make a wish and to travel. In Islamic terms, Hajj is the performance of certain actions at a specific time and place. The specific time of Hajj is the Hurum or Haram months in Ashura such as Shawwal, Zilqad and Dhul Hijjah; Especially five days from 8 Dhul Hijjah to 12 Dhul Hijjah. The designated place of Hajj is to visit Kaaba, Safa-Marwa, Mina, Arafah, Muzdalifah etc. in Makkah Sharif and Rawza Sharif of Rasulullah (SAW) in Madinah Sharif. The special period of Hajj is Ihram, Tawaf, Sai, Akufe Arafah, Akufe Muzdalifah, Akufe Mina, Dum, Qurbani, Halak, Qasr, Ziyarat Medina – Rawjatul Rasool etc.

What Is Hajj

Hajj is a religious ritual that is obligatory for every Muslim as long as all Muslims are able to travel physically, mentally and financially. It is obligatory to visit the Kaaba at least once in one’s life. Each year, 3-4 million pilgrims from around the world make the largest pilgrimage to Mecca, making it the single largest gathering of people in the world.

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Therefore, Hajj is very important in the life of a Muslim. It has a greater religious significance than Umrah. This is one of the most spiritual and fruitful deeds and it deepens the relationship of Allah with a believing Muslim. Once the Hajj is accepted in the court of Allah, all the sins of the past are forgiven by the mercy of Allah and the way to reach his Paradise is paved.

In short…

  1. Hajj is obligatory. It is obligatory for every Muslim to observe it during their lifetime. Umrah, on the other hand, is circumcised.
  2. Hajj is to be done at a specific time but Umrah can be done throughout the year.
  3. In Umrah, there is no provision for Arafat and Muzdalifah to perform the two prayers together and for the sermon. There is no Kudum in Tawaf and no farewell in Tawaf but these works are included in Hajj.
  4. The recitation of the talbiyyah at the commencement of the tawaf in the umrah is waived. And during Hajj, Rami (throwing stones) in Jamratul Aqaba is waived.
  5. If the umrah is wasted or the tawaf is performed in the state of janabah (the impurity by which bathing is obligatory), it is enough to slaughter a goat or a sheep, but the Hajj is not enough but has to be completed again next year.

When Hajj is performed?

According to the Islamic calendar, Hajj is performed in a specific month of the year and that important month is the month of Dhul Hijjah. The 8th to 13th of this Dhul Hijjah month is the specific time of Holy Hajj. Hajj cannot be performed in any other month or time of the year.

Holy Hajj is a special provision of Allah. Hajj is one of the fifth pillars of Islam. Hajj is obligatory on financially and physically able men and women. Regarding Hajj, Allah says in the Qur’an, “Hajj has been made obligatory by Allah for those who can afford it.” (Surah Al ‘Imran; verse 96).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The reward of the real Hajj can be nothing but heaven. Those who perform Hajj with good intentions, Allah will accept their Hajj and infinite mercy and blessings are inevitable for them.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Hajj makes people innocent, just as rust is removed from iron.’ (Tirmidhi). For those who are obliged to perform Hajj but do not perform Hajj, there is a special warning. Hajj makes people innocent. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, ‘Whoever performs Hajj properly, he becomes as sinless from his previous sins as he was from the day he was born.’ (Bukhari).

Hajj is obligatory once in a lifetime. It is sunnat for the able-bodied to perform Hajj every five years. If there is an opportunity, there is no obstacle to perform Hajj repeatedly or every year. Hajj can be performed by any means. If you perform Hajj with gifts or donations, it will be realized. Hajj will be performed even if it is done for the sake of job or duty of any organization. If it is not a substitute Hajj, then it is one’s duty to perform Hajj; If the obligatory Hajj is performed before, it will be nafl. If Nafl Hajj is performed with the intention of transferring another person for Hajj, it will also be done. (Fatawa Alamgiri).

Transfer Hajj

If he is physically incapable of performing Hajj, he can be transferred to someone else. Those who perform Hajj, those who finance and those for whom Hajj is performed, all get the reward of full Hajj. It is the duty of those who have not been able to perform Hajj in spite of their ability, to make a will for performing Hajj. Be quested transfer Hajj is obligatory for the heirs to perform or perform before the distribution of the testator’s assets. Even if you do not make a will, any heir or someone can collect it on his own initiative or personally. In this case also the deceased person will be free from liability and both the performer and the performer of Hajj will be entitled to thawab.

Hajj can be performed on any person, living or dead. Anyone can perform Hajj on behalf of relatives or friends or acquaintances or strangers. Permission or information is not required for the person for whom the transfer Hajj will be performed or will be performed in order to perform or perform the transfer Hajj; But it is better if possible. It is not a condition to perform Hajj on one’s own before performing Hajj; On the contrary, when the Hajj is performed by newcomers, his devotion, sincerity, passion and affection are more. However, he who has his own Hajj unpaid, will not be able to perform Hajj instead. Transfer Hajj can be done by relatives-non-relatives, men and women. But it is better to be wise and prudent.

Obligatory Hajj rituals

During the Hajj, there are three obligatory Hajj rituals for every devout Muslim in order to gain Allah’s pleasure and obedience. The three duties of Hajj are-

Ihram: The first obligatory Hajj is Ihram. Ihram means to start, Hajj starts through Ihram. Hajj pilgrims must be in ihram. Ihram is an arrangement where they must not engage in sexual activity, fight or commit sins and wear white clothing which is a symbol of purity, equality and unity.
Uquf Arafah: The second obligation of Hajj is Uqfe Arafa. Uqfe Arafah is to be present at the Maidan of Arafa at any time from noon or noon of the 9th Dhul Hijjah, that is, from sunset to the morning of the 10th Dhul Hijjah, before Sadiq.
Tawaf: The third and last obligation of Hajj is Tawaf. At this time, the revered Haji Sahib circumambulated seven times around the Holy Kaaba located in the Masjid Al-Haram, the holiest place of the people of Islam.

Hajj has six obligations for devout pilgrims—

  • Move 7 times between Safa and Marwa hills.
  • To stay in Akuf Muzdalifah (9th Dhul Hijjah) i.e. from Sadiq in the morning till sunrise, even if only for a moment.
  • Throwing stones at the three devils (Jamarat) in Mina.
  • Hajj Tamattu and Kibran performers to mourn the end of Hajj.
  • Cut the hair of the head before opening the Ehram.
  • For those outside Makkah, Tawaf Bida means to perform Tawaf at the time of departure from Makkah.


Also, all the acts of Hajj are sunnat or mustahab.


According to the rules prescribed in Islam, visiting Baitullah or the house of God is called Umrah. The rules for performing Umrah are: Ihram barrier, talbiyah, circumambulation around the Kaaba, sai between Safa and Marwa, and shaving the head or cutting the hair of the head.

The difference between Hajj and Umrah

There are many differences between Hajj and Umrah. This difference is mainly between importance and method.

  • Hajj is obligatory for every physically fit and financially able Muslim. It is sunnat to perform Umrah on the other side.
  • Hajj can be performed only at a specific time but Umrah can be performed at any time of the year. However, it is makrooh to perform Umrah from 8 Dhul Hijjah to 13 Dhul Hijjah.
  • Hajj includes the position of Arafat and Muzdalifah, performing the two prayers at the same time, and the khutbah, and the Tawaf of Qudum, and the Tawaf of Bida, but the Umrah provides for all of these.
  • During Hajj, Rami (throwing stones) in Jamratul Aqbah is waived. And at the beginning of Tawaf in Umrah, recitation of Talbiyah is waived.
  • If the Hajj is canceled for any reason, it has to be completed again next year, but if the Umrah is canceled or the Tawaf is performed in the state of Janabat (the impurity by which bathing is obligatory), it is sufficient to slaughter a goat or a sheep.


Who will do Hajj?

This is an important matter. Hajj and Umrah are basically obligatory upon Allah (SWT) and there are some basic conditions for all acts of worship in Islam to be obligatory. The first condition is that he must be a Muslim and a believer. If a person does not have faith and Islam in his heart and if he has not become a Muslim or has declared Islam and is sincerely hypocritical about Islam, then Hajj is not obligatory on him and if he performs Hajj, then he will not get the virtue of Hajj.

Second, being an adult means that a person can understand the difference between two things. Although there is disagreement on this point, the pure opinion which has been narrated by the hadith of Hazrat Abu Dawood (RA) is 10 years. If a person is promoted to this age, then he has performed Hajj, then his Hajj will be acceptable, since he has been able to perform Hajj at this age. That is to be an adult.

  • You can check Umrah Hajj Package of Travel Mate from here.


An agency listed in the government license for performing Hajj should be selected. Many times it can be noticed that by showing the advertisement of Hajj or Umrah for less money, they try to harass in various ways. So it is better to choose a good Umrah Hajj agency to protect yourself from harassment and you can choose the agency like Travel Mate without any worries.

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