Trains from Dhaka to Sreemangal operate regularly. Below is the schedule and ticket pricing for the main trains operating on this route. Let’s start exploring Sreemangal by train with our Overnight Sreemangal Tour Package.
Dhaka to Sreemangal Train Schedule
1. Parabat Express – Train No: 709
- Departure from Dhaka: 6:30 AM
- Arrival at Sreemangal: 10:32 AM
- Off Day: Tuesday
- Ticket Prices
2. Jayantika Express – Train No: 717
- Departure from Dhaka: 11:15 AM
- Arrival at Sreemangal: 4:01 PM
- Off Day: Tuesday
- Ticket Prices
3. Kalni Express – Train No: 773
- Departure from Dhaka: 2:55 PM
- Arrival at Sreemangal: 7:02 PM
- Off Day: Friday
- Ticket Prices
4. Upoban Express – Train No: 739
- Departure from Dhaka: 10:00 PM
- Arrival at Sreemangal: 2:06 AM
- Off Day: Wednesday
- Ticket Prices
Sreemangal to Dhaka Train Schedule
1. Parabat Express – Train No: 710
- Departure from Sreemangal: 5:41 PM
- Arrival at Dhaka: 10:15 PM
- Off Day: Tuesday
- Ticket Prices
2. Jayantika Express – Train No: 718
- Departure Sreemangal: 2:45 PM
- Arrival at Dhaka: 7:25 PM
- Off Day: No off day
- Ticket Prices
3. Kalni Express – Train No: 774
- Departure from Sreemangal: 8:20 AM
- Arrival at Dhaka: 1:00 PM
- Off Day: Friday
- Ticket Prices
4. Upoban Express – Train No: 740
- Departure Sreemangal: 1:44 AM
- Arrival at Dhaka: 5:45 AM
- Off Day: Wednesday
- Ticket Prices
Ticket Prices of Dhaka to Sreemangal Train & Sreemangal to Dhaka
Ticket prices vary depending on the class of service. Below are the fares of all inter-city trains:
- Shovon Chair: BDT 275
- First Class AC Seat: BDT 627
- First Class Seat: BDT 420
- First Class Berth (Sleeping berth): BDT 938
- Snigdha (AC): BDT 524
- AC Berth: BDT 935
These prices are subject to change, and it’s recommended to check with the Bangladesh Railway website or stations for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Do you want to book Dhaka to Sreemangal Train Ticket? Let me know if you need additional details or help with ticket booking!